Let’s be Clear… we can see through the window pane.
Choosing the Best Windows for Your Home
With so many options, choosing the best windows for your home may seem a daunting task. However, you only need to consider a few factors when narrowing down your selection:
How long do you want your window to last without replacement?
Which materials do you prefer?
Where will you put the window?
Once you have style, materials and location in mind, you’ll need to determine your budget. While calculating window cost, include not only the windows themselves, but also the price of installation. When calculating the cost, consider overall energy-efficiency and savings.
Windows with the Energy Star label are built to surpass basic building requirements and will vary by climate.
Types of Windows
Types of Window Frames
Vinyl Frame
Along with different types of windows, there are several different types of window frames. Vinyl window frames usually consist of PVC, along with ultraviolet protection against the sun. In addition, vinyl is water-resistant and easy to maintain.
Aluminum Frame
Aluminum window frames are one of many popular types of window frames. They offer a more contemporary style in addition to conducting heat and cold well.
Wooden Frame
Wooden window frames will not stick due to expansion and contraction. However, they can be susceptible to rot and weathering and will need annual maintenance to maintain them.